Thursday, May 30, 2013

Advantageous Goodwyns Organic Tea India And Green Tea

The consumption of Green tea dates back to 600 to 900 AD. It was primarily consumed in China, and has been a great source of energy for them. It was used both as a beverage and as a traditional medicine.

 In the later ages, Green tea or Organic tea were consumed by the people of other parts like Japan, Korea, Vietnam and Thailand. When the people realized its value, then they started consuming it in more and more quantities. Some of its benefits are:

 1)Controls blood sugar
 2)Regulates body temperature
 3)Enables fast digestion
 4) Heals wounds and any sort of bleeding
 5)Solves bad effects of alcohol
 6)Acts as a good stimulant
 7)Curing beriberi and other diseases
 8)Preventing fatigue
 9)Improves urinary and brain functions

 There are many more Green tea benefits that have been a big boon to the people of the world. It has healed up several diseases naturally. People have been benefitted from the regular intake of Green tea and so it has become popular in all the countries today. This particular type of tea is especially useful for the old age people and for the heart patients. Doctors round the world have noticed the miracles done by the Green tea to the heart patients. People have been benefitted by the regular consumption of Green tea.

 Green tea is prepared by the Goodwyn. Green tea is grown in two conditions. Some are grown under the sun and some under the shade. Green tea is grown for three times in a year. The tea plants are grown in rows and are trimmed regularly. The season starts from the month of April to May. The second phase is during the June and July, and the third being the late July to early August. There is huge quantity of Polyphenols and antioxidants in the green tea.
 Green is neither fermented nor withered, but is heated in the steamer. After this the leaves are dried without any oxidation taking place. This is the reason why the leaves remain green. One will get to taste the different types of tea from Goodwyn with both taste and color light.

 Goodwyn produces many types of tea like the Assam tea, Green tea, Organic Orthodox tea, Organic Green tea and others. The tea is freshly packed in a temperature controlled environment. This gives you the best taste in India. There are millions of customers, who have trusted the company for years as they have got the finest kind of tea.

 The other kind of tea that is good for health is the Organic tea India, manufactured in Goodwyn house. The Organic Green tea is rich source of antioxidants. It is grown without the use of chemicals or pesticides for which the consumption of this kind of tea makes the consumers healthier. As we all know that health is the biggest wealth so it is important for you to take care of it. The Organic tea plants are grown in an environment, where the temperature, humidity, moisture, and other factors are controlled to give rise to the fresh tea leaves. This variety is rich in taste and fragrance.

 The antioxidants have a greater role to play. This helps to maintain the cholesterol level in the body and also maintains the body shape. So, one can taste the finest variety of Goodwyn tea to have a longer and healthier life.

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