Thursday, August 1, 2013

Green Tea Caffeine Content

Green tea is a well-accepted health drink. It is had for its health features e.g. desirable effects in cardiovascular diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes and for reducting weight. People suffering from caffeine intolerance also prefer drinking green tea to coffee because of a belief that green tea is devoid of caffeine.

Caffeine is much renowned to stimulate central nervous system, respiratory system and muscles of heart. Hence innumerable people have coffee to stay away from exhaustion. It has also diuretic properties. However excessive use of caffeine can cause irritability, irregular heartbeat, sleeplessness, headache, loss of appetite, diarrhea, dizziness and vomiting. It is also prohibited during pregnancy. Due to such ill effects of caffeine, persons select green tea than coffee.

But they may be surprised to know that green tea also comprises of caffeine. But thing is its quantity is very less than other beverages like coffee, soft drinks, black tea, etc. Plus you can also avail decaffeinated green tea. Plus you can bring down the level of caffeine in green tea by yourself. Therefore it will be unwise to stay away from green tea only on the grounds it comprises of caffeine forgetting the tremendous health advantages it gives.

Most importantly, you need to understand that caffeine content in green tea alters significantly depending upon a lot of issues such as the part of the plant used in its making, its method of making, brewing, and so on. Remember that newer tea leaves consist of higher level of caffeine. The topmost grade of green tea is supposed to be extracted from the terminal bud and the two leave flanking it. This is called tea flush. This is the sweetest and most scrumptious part of the green tea plant, but also it possesses the highest amount of caffeine.

Some particular types of green tea such as Japanese Bancha, Houjicha and Genmaicha are least in caffeine quantity.

You can even get decaffeinated tea. However while buying it, you have to keeep well in mind to note the procedure using which it has been decaffeinated. There are two processes viz. by adding ethyl acetate and by mixing carbon dioxide among which second is the more advisable one. Ethyl acetate process is generally marketed as natural method. However the reality is it is a chemical and is utilized elsewhere to clean circuit boards and on the whole it is a cleaning agent of stains of paints for example nail polish and other such paints. On the contrary carbon dioxide procedure is the safer one and more eco-friendly. It even preserves ninety five percent of the beneficial polyphenols in green tea and so provides safest and most useful green tea for you.

Even you can decaffeinate your green tea by yourself by steeping it in high temperature water for 45 seconds and then getting rid of this very first solvent. In this method nearly eighty % of caffeine is juiced out and minimum of it sustains. The fragrance of green tea is also not removed much as a result of this process.

Also keep in mind to have green tea at hot temperature. The theanine as well as catechins contained in green tea weaken the activity of caffeine. At the time of brewing the green tea these 2 combine with caffeine and make it less efficient and this can happen in the hot water. If you let the tea become cool the catechins break down and caffeine is released once more.

Therefore you can notice that although green tea consists of caffeine its quantity is less and that too can be minimized. So the health importance of green tea is not diminished because of its caffeine content.

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