Monday, June 10, 2013

Finding The Best Organic White Tea

If you are interested in getting the healthiest tea to drink, you should look into the organic types. You can get various herbal teas as well, but to make sure that they are safe and free from all chemical and pesticides you should stick to the organic ones like organic white tea.

 When you look at all the different types of tea, you will notice that most come from the Camilla sinensis plant. This includes black tea, white tea and green tea. The process by which they are harvested makes the different types. You can easily find organically grown teas by looking online and by going to herbal and health stores.

 The way you get white tea is simply by taking an unoxidized tea leaf which is also uncured. This is different to black tea which is oxidized and cured. The white tea comes from the young tea leaves and buds which indicate that more caffeine is present.

 This means that if you want your daily caffeine dose, you should stick to drinking organic white tea as opposed to other teas or even coffee. When you look at all the different varieties of white tea you will see that the Narcissus bush, as well as the Chaicha bush in China is used to produce specialty white tea.

 With the Chinese white teas you can get different varieties which are all named according to the type of bush used or the area it comes from. With other white teas, they are named the same as some ordinary black tea. Ceylon White, Darjeeling White, and Assam White are a few.

 When you want to stay healthy, you will have to look at white tea and green tea. It has already been shown that green tea is healthy and can prevent all kinds of diseases and illnesses, but what about the white tea? It has actually been shown to contain more anti viral and anti oxidant properties than green tea.

 There are lots of other health benefits like the fact that white tea contains less fluoride and actually provides more gallic acid and amino acid theanine which is a natural calming and relaxing protein. They also found that white tea contains more theobromine which is very good for the body.

 When you look at all the different varieties and flavors of tea you will soon discover that you can become quite involved in trying and testing out all the different kinds of tea. One of the best ways to do this is to stock up with all the teas you can from a direct supplier. You can find plenty of these online and they will be cheaper the more you buy. If you want to get sample teas for you to test out you can do this as well on many of the websites, so that you can save money and just pick out your favorite ones for next time.

 When you enjoy teas, you will really enjoy the safe health benefits from all herbal teas including the organic white tea.

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