Monday, June 10, 2013

Chinas Most Luxurious Tea

The Benefits of Drinking White Tea

 Early on, studies have revealed that immune system is stimulated to battle against different diseases when green tea is taken. White tea, according to research, can get rid of various organisms that triggers a certain disease. Studies have proven that White Tea extract contains several curative properties. It is an effective antiviral agent and is the reason why most toothpastes contains white tea extracts.

 The Origin of White Tea

 White tea is created out of the tea plant Camellia sinensis. "White tea" is named as it is because the buds are still coated with fine, white hair when the leaves are gathered at their early stage. White tea originated from Fujian, the productive and hilly province of China. Silver needle is an excellent white tea which is made out of pure buds of tea leaves. In the spring they are usually handpicked as they reach the ideal stage amidst youth and maturity - creating the finest taste a tea can ever have. The leaves and buds are first made to wither and then later on they are air dried. There must be a perfect harmony between indoor and solar withering methods. Air moisture and temperature plays an important role to creating a fine quality white tea.

 Tea is a good antioxidant and it can give many wonderful health benefits when taken in a daily basis. Chill your summer with refreshing ice tea and stay warm during the winter with fine, hot tea. A cup of tea during your busiest times can help you clear your mind and it can lighten up your mood. In different countries, they celebrate different cultural events which includes tea parties, where friends gather together, have a fun conversation while drinking a cup of tea. If you want to have these wondrous health benefits as well, start preparing your own white tea and enjoy it with your family.

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