Sunday, September 15, 2013

Green Tea Detox Brewed In Peach

The green tea detox from the green tea plant is stated to have a property that aids in losing weight. There are also studies regarding the green tea detox that with regular intake, it can make our metabolism better. This, in turn, will make the elimination of fat better and faster than just making pure exercise and healthy diet. The green tea detox is said to make the body defense better. It can make the body stronger through improving our health at the same time. The green tea detox is also known to prevent cancers. This was made possible through the contents inside the green tea detox. Such content are the antioxidants known as catechin, which are potent agents for constraining the growth of lumps.

 How about incorporating the green tea detox in a, nutritious refreshing, drink? Here, is a recipe that does not only tastes delicious but is healthy and revitalizing, as well!

 Green Tea Detox And Peach Recipe

 The ingredients needed to make this recipe:

6 tea bags of green tea

6 cups of water (chilled)

2 peaches (ripe; sliced)

Mint leaves (optional)

 How to make this healthy and invigorating beverage?

 The first thing to do is to get the green tea bags in a big jug. Now, how are we going to brew it? Next is put the sliced peaches in a pan. Add in the water. Bring the mixture to a boil. After this, pour the mixture over the green tea bags in the jug.

 Brewing the green tea:

 Using the peach mixture, brew or steep the green tea in the pot. Let it brew for six minutes maximum. You can add sweeteners if you want. You can go all-natural with your sweeteners for a healthier beverage. Here, are excellent examples for natural sweeteners: honey or maple syrup. Both are healthy and have exceptional flavor to them. Let the brewed green tea in peach mixture chill for a bit. Once it is brisk enough, put it in the fridge until it is chilled well.


 Pour our beverage in a glass. Put in some peach slices. Garnish with mint leaves to make the beverage more invigorating. The mint leaves also gives the beverage a contrast in color that will make it more appealing. Then, serve it with a spoon!

 Alternative green tea detox recipe for busy people:

 Just get a jug of brewed green tea. Add in the peaches. The peaches can be from a can of natural ones. Pick the sliced one to make the beverage as quickly as possible. Then, put it in the fridge until it is chilled enough to your preference!
 Enjoy green tea detox in a flash!

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